About Us
After many years of research and development, Metamune (the earlier name of Bodymune) was finally registered as a company in 2012 in Seattle, WA, USA. In 2014, we introduced our first two products, Bodymune and Cardiomune, through a locally well-known Bartell Drugs retail chain. They came in powder form in sachets. People liked the results but not the taste, so we eventually had to discontinue them.
Over the years, our continued research led to many discoveries of synergistic effects among various ingredients. That helped us deliver the same or even better results using minimal amounts. The use of organic extracts also helped us reduce the total required weight. Thus, we moved from sachets to organic capsules. In early 2016, we introduced six innovative capsule products on Amazon, using a UK-based marketing partner, NativOrganics. The partnership was discontinued in late 2019, as they found dealing with US regulators highly time-consuming and costly. They decided to exit the US markket.
In July 2018, we introduced ten closely focused organic dietary supplements in capsules, directly under Bodymune brand. The credit goes to our dedicated international team of scientists. Thanks for your continued support.
Discovering the synergistic interactions among various ingredients is still our primary specialty. Synergy means the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. In other words, you wouldn't get the same benefit if you took them individually at different times. Before filling the capsules, all the ingredients in the right proportions must be thoroughly mixed. That's essential to achieving the best synergy. We do it in our USDA Organic manufacturing facility in greater Seattle.
Over thousands of years, nature optimized all the natural ingredients; we had no role in it. Their many inherent values have been well-recognized over centuries in different parts of the world. We need not go through the known benefits of each ingredient as you are either knowledgeable enough or can easily research them on the internet. Our search for better and more innovative products keeps us on our toes and ever excited. We remain focused on our core competency of innovation and quality production. Let the products speak for themselves through the experiences of actual users.
We strongly believe that to use ancient knowledge and wisdom about any natural ingredient, such as fruit, herb, or medicinal oil, we must use the ones that have not been altered. We cannot reasonably quote ancient literature about their values if it has been genetically modified. That would be neither right nor reliable. There's an old saying, "An apple a day keeps the doctors away." One might say that's too much of a claim, but one can't deny it was talking of an apple of that time. Everything was Organic then!
Each of our proprietary blends aims to support a particular body function. This search is an ongoing process. The primary objective is to enhance your body's immune system to help your body function at its best. It's in our name: Body + Immune = Bodymune. It's nothing new; the body has been doing it all the time, and we wouldn't even survive a day without that. The alarming concern is that with the fish served on the table, it forgets to fish. And, sometimes, we've damaged our fishing gear with pollution, stress, junk food, unhealthy habits, and age. You may also experience many other benefits with a well-supported immune system.
We aim to enhance them further by providing additional, well-recognized, pure, natural organic ingredients to create a dependable support structure for long-term stability and benefits.
Join thousands of happy customers who believe in choosing entirely natural ingredients in their dietary supplements. Like you, we only demand the highest quality standards for our products. We care about your health and what our customers put in their bodies. Again, we boldly declare that we should let the products speak for themselves through the experiences of actual users. You are our judge.
Could you help us help you?
Please help us serve you better with your unbiased product reviews and suggestions. Sharing knowledge could be a mutual pleasure and a rewarding experience.
Quality is our Cornerstone - No Compromise.
Developed by our international team of scientists and doctors, it is Manufactured in Seattle, USA, in our Certified Organic Facility to ensure the highest Quality, Safety, and Consistency. We monitor all our ingredients right from the source, with complete Certificates of Analysis (COA) traceable to each bottle.
Bodymune products are made only with Natural Organic Herb Extracts, Fruit Extracts, and Organic Oils. They are 100% Vegan, Kosher, non-GMO, gluten-free, and free of chemicals or preservatives.
Innovation is Our Passion - Experience the Bodymune Difference.
Our specialty is discovering the synergistic interactions among various ingredients. Synergy means the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. In other words, you wouldn't get the same benefit if you took them individually. Before filling the capsules, all the ingredients must be thoroughly mixed in the proper proportions. That's essential to achieving the best synergy. Together, they win.
Our promise: We're our customers. We use every product we sell and believe in its effectiveness as a high-quality, best-natural solution to everyday problems.
Long-term Benefit is our Ultimate Goal
Each synergistic proprietary blend is aimed at supporting a particular body function. This search is an ongoing effort. The primary objective is to strengthen the relevant weakened part of the immune system and thus achieve more sustainable relief. It lets your body function at its best. Surprisingly, over time, your body will become less and less dependent on outside help, including ours.
Additional well-recognized organic ingredients enhance each product to give short-term relief and create a support structure for long-term stability and benefits.